
Q-Commerce Revolution.


What is Q-Commerce?

Q-Commerce or Quick Commerce is the new generation of online sales and focuses on speed of delivery, proximity, convenience and fast customer service, all managed through the Internet.


Q-Commerce Features

These are the main features of Quick Commerce:

1. Delivery in an hour or less.
Users want to receive the order in a matter of minutes.

2. Local focus.
The delivery range is limited to proximity.

3. Comfort.
Mostly orders are for instant consumption.

4. Availability.
You can have inventory on hand or purchase from a supplier / partner for immediate delivery. Some Q-Commerce are more logistics service providers than stores.


What kind of products do you sell?

This form of e-commerce is mainly geared towards fairly specific products for which immediate delivery makes sense. Some examples are supermarkets, restaurants, cosmetics, cleaning products, gifts, and toys. Teleworking has also created new needs that must be met with speed, such as office supplies, electronic devices, among others.


Do you want to transform your business into a Q-Commerce?

Let’s connect!

Write to us at info@nappo.net or schedule a free 30 min consultation www.calendly.com/napponet

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